Diabetic ketoacidosis secondary to insulin abstinence with k/c/O type 1 DM since 5 years back with k/c/O pulm TB since 6 years back.
A 36 M Came to hospital on 20/3/21 at 10:35 pm with Pain abdomen since morning, vomiting since morning (7episodes) , altered sensorium since evening. Patient was apparently asymptomatic 5 years back, then developed increased frequency of urination, for which the patient went to the yashoda hospital and got diagnosed with diabetes mellitus, two days back, patient skipped the dose of the insulin and frm today morning, patient had pain abdomen with vomitings upto 7 episodes for which he went to the local RMP, took medication and did not got subsided and patient wife had given insulin, in the evening followed which the patient went in to altered sensorium and was brought to kims for further evaluation. K/C/O DM TYPE 1 Since 5 years and on inj. INSULIN. K/C/O PULM TB, SINCE 6 YEARS AND USED ATT FOR 6 MONTHS. Vitals on admissiion 20/3/21 Pr 115 Bp 100/60 Grbs high ...